You, the petitioner
Petitie foto

Save lives, don’t destroy usable medicines!

41,386 signatures

In the Netherlands more than 100 million euros worth of medicines are being thrown away each year. Medicines that are being returned to pharmacies must be destroyed. We urge the government to ensure that returned medicines may be used instead of being burned.



the undersigned of this petition


establish that:

  • that weekly thousands of kilos of unused medicines are being returned to pharmacies in the Netherlands,

  • that the applicable laws stipulate for these medicines to be destroyed,

  • that these medicines could still safely be used and are still effective,

  • that elsewhere in the world medicines are desperately needed (the obvious example at the moment being the crisis in Ukraine).


and request

Secretary of State Ernst Kuipers:

  • to give permission to collect, transport and donate the collected medicines, provided the conditions stated below have been met,

  • to constructively assist in passing the changes in the law which are required to make good use of these medicines in future, instead of having them destroyed.

N.B. The argument that is being used to justify this waste, is that the quality of the medicines cannot be guaranteed. This is an important point. Therefore, we urge to limit the collection to only those medicines that do not require special storage conditions, of which the original packaging is unopened and which is in date. Collection will be done by physicians and pharmacists.

Sign this petition

We e-mail you a link to confirm your signature. Your data will not be shared with third parties and remains with the Stichting Your name and place of residence will only appear if you choose this. Read more about this in our privacy statement.


Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Walter Schrader, huisarts 
Stichting Remedi  




Duurzaam medicijngebruik moet ook afgedwongen worden via het Waterschap.

Ondergetekende petitionaris staat op een schijnbaar kansloze plaats 26 van lijst 3 van het Waterschap Rijnland. Dit Waterschap is mede ondertekenaar van de petitie en heeft de milieuargumenten in het programma opgenomen.


Graag wil ik in details deze argumenten laten doorklinken, in de Kamer in de Waterschappen en in Europa. Ga vandaag in ieder geval stemmen .


Bijna alle ondervraagden: geen bezwaar tegen retourmedicijnen.

Wat een verheugend resultaat ! Ongebruikte medicijnen in ongeopende verpakking .

2023-03-13 Verzoek om reactie op petitie 'Red levens, vernietig geen bruikbare medicijnen'

Brief commissie aan bewindspersoon:

"De vaste commissie voor Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport heeft op 7 maart 2023 de petitie 'Red levens, vernietig geen bruikbare medicijnen' in ontvangst genomen (zie bijgaande kopie).

De commissie ontvangt graag een reactie van u op deze petitie."
